
Video 17 of 17
8 min 50 sec
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Join the Dementia Interpreter Community

Overview of Continuing Education and Community Engagement

Learn how to enhance your skills as a dementia interpreter and join a global network.

In this video, we continue to explore the experiential training completed by care staff. We've covered impairments in speech, vision, hearing, and now movement. Each exercise provides insights into the challenges faced by those with dementia.

Accessing Further Learning

After completing this course, your journey to becoming a Level 5 Dementia Interpreter continues. Follow these steps to access free further learning:

  • Visit the Dementia Dictionary website and find the feedback form page.
  • Complete the community addition feedback form and tick the permission box to receive emails.
  • Upon completing the form, you'll receive:

Your Benefits Include:

  • A letter congratulating you on achieving Level 1 status.
  • Guidance on progressing to Level 2 and access to your first module as a dementia interpreter.
  • A certificate of achievement for completing the Level 1 course.
  • Registration link as a Level 1 status community edition on the dementia interpreters forum.

To ensure continuous access to monthly modules and updates:

  • Complete the feedback form to receive notifications in your message inbox on the website.
  • Stay engaged to progress through levels and access global resources.

Benefits of Becoming a Level 5 Dementia Interpreter

Becoming a Level 5 dementia interpreter opens doors to:

  • Monthly modules and continuous learning.
  • Participation in global dementia interpreter discussions.
  • Opportunities to vote on international awards and shape research.
  • Access to new dementia products and developments.

Take the first step towards enhancing your skills and supporting the dementia community worldwide.