Module 3 - Attitude

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4 min 24 sec
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The Importance of Attitude in Dementia Care

The Significance of Attitude

Attitude is crucial when working or caring for someone with dementia.

  • It directly impacts the success of conversations and interactions.
  • Emotions shape attitude, and people with dementia quickly sense and respond to these emotions.

Emotional Impact on Conversations

Emotions such as frustration, anger, sadness, or anxiety are swiftly detected by individuals with dementia.

  • These emotions can lead to negative reactions and create barriers in communication.
  • Family members and caregivers often unknowingly transmit negative emotions, causing further strain.

Building Trust and Positive Interactions


  • Your approach determines their reaction—approach with a positive attitude and a smile.
  • Consistently maintaining a positive and friendly attitude is essential for effective dementia care.

Impact Beyond Dementia

Attitude affects interactions universally:

  • Regardless of the situation, a negative attitude creates barriers and inhibits communication.

Managing Emotions for Effective Care

For caregivers:

  • If emotions become overwhelming, it's sometimes better to step away and return later.
  • Controlled emotions contribute to a calm and supportive environment.

Building Trust and Minimising Misunderstandings


  • Actions and behaviours towards individuals with dementia are remembered, influencing trust and interactions.
  • Consistent positive attitude and understanding are key to reducing misunderstandings and building trust.