Module 10 - Questions

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Understanding Behaviour in Dementia: Seeking Permission and Communication

Importance of Seeking Permission in Dementia Care

Recognising the constant need for approval and permission in individuals with dementia.

Common Questions in Dementia

Examples include: "Can I come?", "Am I allowed to?", "When is this?", "Could I?"

Understanding that these questions seek approval and permission.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Understanding non-verbal communication in dementia.

  • Early signs such as putting keys in unusual places, increased agitation, and social withdrawal.
  • Recognising these behaviours as early indicators of dementia.

From Traits to Communication

Transforming unusual behaviours into forms of communication.

Emphasising the importance of interpreting rather than labelling behaviours.

Empowering Individuals with Dementia

Promoting autonomy and understanding.

  • Ensuring individuals retain control over their lives.
  • Encouraging safe risk-assessment to empower the person, not the dementia.

Learning the Language of Dementia

Understanding and communicating effectively.

Advising families and caregivers to learn the language of dementia to better connect with individuals.