Module 5 - Making Changes

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4 min 57 sec
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Understanding Aphasia in Dementia: Breaking Misconceptions

The Impact of Misunderstanding Dementia

Challenges caused by misconceptions and lack of understanding.

  • Media portrayal and lack of awareness contribute to fear surrounding dementia.
  • Misunderstanding leads to difficulties in supporting loved ones with dementia.
  • Rejecting the idea of "suffering with dementia" through education and empathy.

Empowering through Dementia Interpretation

Reconnecting through understanding and empathy.

  • Enhancing understanding to overcome common challenges in dementia care.
  • Empowering individuals with dementia by understanding their unique language.
  • Highlighting the importance of communication even when speech is impaired.

Understanding Aphasia in Dementia

Recognising a common but often overlooked condition.

  • Aphasia, a condition affecting language abilities, is prevalent in dementia.
  • Exploring two types: expressive aphasia (difficulty speaking) and receptive aphasia (difficulty understanding).
  • Comparing aphasia to living in a place where language barriers hinder communication.

Addressing Social Isolation in Dementia

Combatting social isolation through improved communication.

  • Highlighting social isolation as a significant issue for people with dementia.
  • Emphasising the profound impact of communication barriers on individuals.
  • Commitment to reducing social isolation through enhanced dementia communication strategies.

Continued Learning and Support

Accessing ongoing education on aphasia and dementia.

  • Integration of aphasia education as part of post-course learning modules.
  • Encouragement to provide feedback for continued support and additional learning opportunities.